Start here to create your own app in minutes, not months.
Easy enough for anyone to use, powerful enough to make your brilliant app idea come to life. Simply choose any base theme, enter your product details in different categories, add other pages like ‘About us’ & ‘Contact’ with integrated location map, gallery, social pages, Menu options, form pages etc. and your app is ready for the bang.
Add more power simply by connecting it with other Mego modules and you get the app loaded with amazing and advanced features like user registration, loyalty rewards, alerts & much more. No matter how complex it seems, Mego base just gets it done with an ease. It also offers a rich library of custom images & icons, ready for your app.
It simply translates hundreds of hours of coding into a simple to use, visual platform that anyone can understand. You just need to configure and set your details in the control panel and your app is set, all without any IT knowledge.
Installation 15 mins